Farm Life

Hemp Carbon Certificate - Terpene Belt Farms
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

Terpene Belt Farms Achieves Hemp Carbon Standard Certificate

Terpene Belt Farms Achieves Hemp Carbon Standard Certificate   We are thrilled to announce that Terpene Belt Farms has been awarded the Hemp Carbon Standard (HCS) certificate, recognizing our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By sequestering 692 Carbon Removal Units (CRUs), equivalent to 692 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide,

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Cannabis Farm - Terpene Belt Farms
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

From Soil to Oil: An Untold Journey

At every step in making Fresh Never Frozen® cannabis essential oil, our focus is quality over everything. From seed to finished oil, follow the journey of producing Fresh Never Frozen® at scale.   PHASE I: NURSERY Learn more about the birth of our seedlings in the largest nursery in California.  

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Terpene Belt Farms - Field
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

A Look at Field Prep for Planting Season

As springtime blooms across the northern hemisphere, we eagerly prepare for our fifth season of planting. Here in California, there’s never a “normal” year — only a drought year or a flood year. 2023 has definitely been the latter, with severe flooding that serves as a stark reminder of the

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Bottling Cannabis Essential Oils
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

Soil to Oil Phase V: Processing & Bottling

We’re finally here. The launch of our 2022 vintage is upon us. From sowing seeds to harvesting beautifully grown flowers, the cycle has led up to this point. In one way, this journey is extremely exciting. In another way, it’s daunting. Creating essential oil at this scale is no easy

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Cannabis Farm - Seed Genetics - Transplanting
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

Soil to Oil Phase II: Transplanting

Our seedlings have been moved from California’s largest nursery to our 300-acre farm in Byron, California. Here, low-THC cannabis plants will grow with the care and attention only found in legacy cannabis farming. Premier farming in The California Terpene Belt “The California Terpene Belt” is a lesser-known cannabis mecca in

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Tractor on a Cannabis Cultivation Farm
Farm Life
Terpene Belt Farms

Soil to Oil Phase IV: Harvesting

Cannabis cultivation at scale is at the heart of what we do. This is why harvest is the most exciting time of the year. It’s when all the magic happens. It’s also a celebratory time when the folks on our field operations team, who have worked tirelessly for months on

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